Lenah browns moneyguru
Lenah browns moneyguru

lenah browns moneyguru

This is a win-win advantage for both of us. When you click my affiliate links on this page to make a purchase, I may get a small commission, and you will definitely get a great bargain. This review will be an honest and unbiased one.ĭisclaimer: As the owner of, I have tracked down special deals for products, tools, and services mentioned herein. I am not referring you to join MoneyGuru to earn my commissions, so you won’t see me selling how good it is and pushing you to click a “JOIN NOW” button. Before we start, I like to promise you something first. You will get enough information to make up your mind by reading this review to the end. In my MoneyGuru review today, I will show you what’s inside and how it works. If nothing else is at hand, this application proves worthy in the end.Found the #1 app installs affiliate network that gets paid to refer people, but you are skeptical about “What Is MoneyGuru?” Am I right? If you keep asking yourself this question, you’ve come to the right place. Even if polished on the visual side of things, it feels a little rough around the edges most of the times, with multiple tabs creating confusion and no options to set color differentiation between incomes and expenses. A few last wordsĪll things considered, we can safely state that moneyGuru comes with good intentions and can help you manage your funds a little better.

lenah browns moneyguru

#Lenah browns moneyguru free#

You're then free to create accounts and transactions by simply filling in corresponding details, but pay attention to the increase and decrease column headers, because they are responsible for calculus. This brings up a new window that lets you specify recurrence rate, end date, description, payee, check, transfer, and any additional notes you want to add. Export benefits from the same number of formats, with options to save all data or your selection of fields.Ī periodical income is best created in the scheduler tab. If you already happen to have data somewhere inside a file, chances are you can put it to good use if it's found under formats like OFX, QFX, QIF, CSV or TXT. Using the created samples, you can later simply edit given fields for an easier approach on fund management. However, there's an example file you can load at the press of a button to help you out. It might take a little while to get the hang of the creation process. Be them pie charts or graphs, these put all available details in polished graphical representations so you get an idea of how money comes and goes. You can enable visual feedback for most of the areas under a couple forms. Each one fills the workspace with different details, organized in a table, with several info fields that can be toggled, such as description, payee, time related info, and more. Stored in a simple interface, functions you get to work with and areas you manage are spread across several tabs you can close and open again at any given moment. Polished interface makes accommodation easy This is where applications like moneyGuru come in handy, putting a simple environment at your disposal to keep track of incomes and expenses.

lenah browns moneyguru

However, you might end up with an empty wallet in short time if you don't properly manage your funds. There's at least one day of the month you're joyfully looking forward to, and that is the day your paycheck arrives.

Lenah browns moneyguru